Written one Common Function:
Public Function ShowReport(ByVal path As String, ByVal sParamFld As String, ByVal sParamVal As String, ByVal sReportViewer As CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer) As ReportDocument
Dim tmpSortList As New SortedList
Dim ParamLength As Int16 = 0, iLoop As Int16 = 0
Dim ParamFld() As String, ParamFldVal() As String
myReportDocument = New ReportDocument
myReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("UserName").ToString(), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("Pwd").ToString())
ParamFld = sParamFld.Split("*")
ParamFldVal = sParamVal.Split("*")
If ParamFld.Length <> ParamFldVal.Length Then
Err.Raise(1, , "Parameter Fleid should be equal to Parameter Value")
End If
For iLoop = 0 To UBound(ParamFld)
tmpSortList.Add(ParamFld(iLoop), ParamFldVal(iLoop))
ParamFldDefn = myReportDocument.DataDefinition.ParameterFields
Dim tmpCount As Integer = 0
sReportViewer.ReportSource = myReportDocument
sReportViewer.EnableParameterPrompt = False
For tmpCount = 0 To tmpSortList.Count - 1
myReportDocument.SetParameterValue(ParamFldDefn(tmpCount).Name, tmpSortList(ParamFldDefn(tmpCount).Name).ToString())
Return myReportDocument
Catch ex As Exception
' lblErr.Text = ex.Message
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
Calling the above function:
path = Server.MapPath(".\AgtCancelingList.rpt")
ParamFld = "@AgentCode*@FrmTranDate*@FrmToDate*AgentName*DisplyFr*DisplyTo"
ParamVal = AgtCode.ToString() + "*" + TfrmDate + "*" + TToDate + "*" + AgtCode + "-" + AgtName + "*" + frmDate + "*" + TDate
Dim tmp As ReportDocument = clsCommon.ShowReport(path, ParamFld, ParamVal, CRViewer)
@AgentCode - Store Procedure Parameter Field
AgentName - Crystal Report Parameter Field.